Driving Under the Influence—What Does it Mean
People commonly call Driving Under the Influence (DUI) “drunk driving,” but you don’t actually have to be drunk, or having had to drink at all to be arrested for DUI.
DUI actually refers to operating a motor vehicle while unable to do so in a safe manner because you’ve been affected to an appreciable degree by having drunk an alcoholic beverage, taken a drug, or combined alcohol and drugs.
And, on the subject of taking a drug, this applies to both illegal ones, as well as prescription medications.
How serious is a DUI?
Some DUIs—for example, first offense—are often treated as misdemeanors. But, under certain circumstances, you could face felony charges, especially if this is a repeat conviction or if someone else was either killed or injured as a result of your actions.
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Why Jonathan H. Parker:
Don’t let anyone tell you that DUI and its implications are not complicated. Don’t go it alone without an attorney. Jonathan H. Parker will represent you for a FLAT FEE based on your specific situation and whether or not you wish to have a trial. That way you are in full control of your case and you can keep your fees to a minimum.
You only have ten (10) days from the date of your DUI to request an administrative hearing or a temporary driver’s license. DUI’s involve at least three (3) cases – even more sometimes. You have at least one case for the DUI stop, one case of the administrative matter for your driver’s license suspension, and you have the DUI case itself.
Our job is to get things resolved as quickly as the system will allow, so you can move on with your life. If you’ve been charged with DUI what do you have to lose by talking with an attorney today?
Call attorney Jonathan H. Parker at Parker & Maloney, P.A. today. Speak to him personally for free. Jonathan Parker limits his practice to DUI exclusively.