Personal Breathalyzers and DUI
Would you use a personal breathalyzer to determine if you’re sober enough to drive? It would be a good start in being safe behind the wheel and, potentially avoiding a DUI. But, where they are a good tool, they are not foolproof.
Almost all breathalyzers—whether personal or those used by the police—require calibration to ensure their accuracy. Some may let you, the owner, do the calibration, while others must be sent to the manufacturer. The more you use the device, the more often you’ll have to calibrate it to maintain its accuracy. Even then, there is room for error.
What do and don’t they measure?
Breathalyzers estimate your blood alcohol content or concentration by measuring the amount of alcohol on your breath. They cannot detect if you’ve taken drugs or are extremely tired and unfit to drive.
Click here for more information about DUIs and professional legal representation if you are arrested.
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Why Jonathan H. Parker:
Don’t let anyone tell you that DUI and its implications are not complicated. Don’t go it alone without an attorney. Jonathan H. Parker will represent you for a FLAT FEE based on your specific situation and whether or not you wish to have a trial. That way you are in full control of your case and you can keep your fees to a minimum.
You only have ten (10) days from the date of your DUI to request an administrative hearing or a temporary driver’s license. DUI’s involve at least three (3) cases – even more sometimes. You have at least one case for the DUI stop, one case of the administrative matter for your driver’s license suspension, and you have the DUI case itself.
Our job is to get things resolved as quickly as the system will allow, so you can move on with your life. If you’ve been charged with DUI what do you have to lose by talking with an attorney today?
Call attorney Jonathan H. Parker at Parker & Maloney, P.A. today. Speak to him personally for free. Jonathan Parker limits his practice to DUI exclusively.